Wingspan and Glide – flyers and pilots for Blue Planet
Flyers… Wingspan The Wingspan, the single product of the Hydrospan subsidiary of the same name, is a sailplane developed on Poseidon for use by dolphins. Dimensions: 10.5 meters long, 820 […]
Flyers… Wingspan The Wingspan, the single product of the Hydrospan subsidiary of the same name, is a sailplane developed on Poseidon for use by dolphins. Dimensions: 10.5 meters long, 820 […]
Flyers… Henriette Henriette is a SCAF bike featuring custom armarment in the form of two Air Attack Spiders, one launch tube mounted on each side. It sports a dark paintjob […]
A review of sorts. In German.
Chainjaw The techpriests’ quest for ways to overcome the sin of being flesh knows no anatomical bounds. It encompasses all parts and all functions of the human form, not least […]
Flyers… The Monkey Chariot The bag of this chariot drawn through the sky by four winged monkeys contains 20 marbles: 3 red ones, 12 green ones and 5 white ones. […]
Freeya, too, posits fey as free, often powerful, often capricious spirit beings, both natural and supernatural. The Elysian Empire claims to be rooted in such natural forces but more than […]
Flyers… Doomflywheel This seemingly crude construct of corroded metal and dead wood can rise into the air by blindingly fast rotation of its outer ring, spewing vapours and particles of […]
Flyers… BG-113 Mango The BG-113 is a heavy air superiority fighter deployed in limited numbers by the Migou. Following the general design and shape of the more common BG-01 tactical […]
Once again, Kobara CW show their fangs in a collaboration on a weapons’ design project, this time spitting straight in the competition’s collective faces. While the action of the electrically […]
Flyers… SL-21R Sholagar This variant replaces the SRM-4 in the Sholagar’s nose with an LRM-5, giving the fighter a long range harassing attack at the cost of a significant chunk […]