
Filament Straw

No more slurping noises and no more residues of drinks you just cannot get at, with the Filament Straw. These drinking straws split into a bunch of microtubes on the […]


This medical drug is used in specialised immune suppression schemes for biogenetic implantation. The treatment is administered as i.v. injections. Biogenine is sold for 28c in packages containing five ready […]

Virtual Squadmate

This piece of reality overlay software is aimed directly at the operative market. It generates an additional member for a squad, to provide general advice and assist in administrative tasks. […]

Avatar Cheese Slicer

The Avatar is a quality cheese slicer, whose cutting wire oscillates at high frequency along the plane of the cut, curtsey of a 5000 hour power cell. The cost of […]

Electric Dragon

The Electric Dragon is a high speed plane straight out of FEN’s aircraft division. Literally built around three huge plasma jet turbines, the Electric Dragon has an unusually heavy body […]


The Lothar light labour drone is a fully anthropomorphic Tek Trex design, usable for a variety of menial tasks in construction and other labour projects. The squat drone reaches barely […]

Class IV Fragmenter

This heavy barrel extension can be mounted on a firearm in place of a silencer. It sets up destructive harmonics in projectiles as they pass through it, transforming standard bullets […]

Frozen Blade

An offshoot of Ebb research, the Frozen Blade is an industrial production model of the Blue Thermal Ice Blade, or rather it is a melee weapon incorporating Glacial Ebb techniques […]


The Hector Missile/Rocket is a mobile launch platform based on the Hector. It can carry five guided missiles or up to twenty dumb-fire rockets in separate launch tubes installed on […]


The Hector Mobile Artillery is a self propelled gun variant of BLA’s successful Hector design. Unconventional for an artillery vehicle, the Hector-MA mounts two guns on an automated rear turret. […]