Hermes Alphabet

Today the question of Dr. Gonzo is answered by blut_und_glas, Shadom, the two guys with Y and the good Doctor himself.

Editorial: Sources for inspiration

Worldbuilding Adventure or even Character designing – nothing works for long without new input from elsewhere. Most favorite Sources for this are above all books, mostly novels and sometimes non-fiction […]

Editorial 2011 11 06

The audio commentary on “Hot Fuzz” is one of the most insightful I ever listened to. Clever, funny and honest. Everything I always wanted it to be. The last roleplaying […]


This is the last entry of my alternate d20 modern classes: The Mind. The other two entries can be found here: The Adventurer and the Warrior. The Mind is the […]

Rad klein

This is something I have been thinking about for some time now: Race is always a strange thing in fantasy games, especially those in the vein of D&D. It means […]

The Odnashdoi Utrom

The Odnashdoi Utrom is a faction for the The Red Star Setting of d20 modern. The Odnashdoi Utrom are a young movement dedicated to the Commonwealth, using their mastery of […]