Bloodspouter – a new weapon for Warhammer 40,000

This heavy flamer is fueled by the same burning daemonic ichor that is also used at much larger scale in the Cauldron of Blood daemon engines of Khorne. In addition to the terrible physical damage caused by the gouts of thick sticky lavalike substance, the daemon blood burns its mark through flesh and bone into the very souls of its victims.

The Bloodspouter uses the same profile as a heavy flamer.

In Dark Heresy and its related Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay games Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War, whenever a Bloodspouter causes critical damage to a target, the target also gains a number of CP equal to the amount of critical damage taken.

In Wrath & Glory, whenever a Bloodspouter hits a target, the target must make a Corrpution Test with a DN equal to the number of Icons or Exalted Icons rolled on the damage dice.

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