Telemach Pattern Command Servitor – Homer in Warhammer 40,000

A Reading from Homer by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
Homer-a-Day, Day 16: Telemach

Telemach Pattern Command Servitor
Minimum Logisitics Rating: 80
Default Servitor Directive: None
Servitor Directive Advances: None

The unorthodox Telemach servitor pattern strays dangerously to tech heresy, although it tends to be grudgingly tolerated. Telemach servitors are programmed and equipped to relay directives to other servitors and even lead cohorts of lesser servitors without direct supervision according to complex tactical instructions.
Some high ranking personalities, from inquisitors to rogue traders, went so far as to try to establish Telemach command servitors as their representatives, wielding surrogate authority as per programmed directive in the absence of their master. However, such experiments had disappointing results at best, with the servitors’ commands being ignored, and precipitated their masters’ downfall in orgies of destruction triggered by accusations of the Telemachs endowed with such powers and responsibilites crossed the line into the forbidden field of Abominable Intelligence.

A Telemach pattern command servitor allows a character to issue sweeping orders (including directives) to servitor comrades. Alternatively, a character may issue different directives to up to two servitor comrades at once, either the Telemach and one other servitor or two other servitors.

Additionally, all servitor comrades in the presence of a Telemach count as being in communication range with the character.

Employing a Telemach adds a +10 modifier on any tests made to command or communicate with other servitors.

yandere: […] Homer weeks for 40k.
blut_und_glas: […] Homer-a-Day?

Homer-a-Day – one Homer inspired Warhammer 40,000 article per day, for one month. Pure hubris, incited when a stroll through our own archives led first to reexamining the Odysseus Pattern Astartes Greatbow and then to the exchange quoted above.

Don’t uncork what you can’t contain.

Image: A Reading from Homer by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836–1912).

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