“Rapier” Drop Pod Launch Bays – a new ship component for Rogue Trader

“Rapier” Drop Pod Launch Bays (Supplemental Component)
The “Rapier” is a full scale assault system that holds twice the number of drop pods than the more modest “Storm” design. In addition to its capacity for sustaining attack operations, it is also especially quipped to handle, reload and prime Deathwind and support pods to surpress hostiles at drop sites.

Steel Hail: When working towards a Military objective, the players earn an additional 100 Endeavour Points towards completing that objective.

Sustained Drop Pod Assault: The players may use drop pods. The “Rapier” design is equipped to handle 60 pods, 10 of which can be launched every 30 minutes (i.e., it may launch 10 pods per strategic turn). If 10 deathwind or support pods are launched in a strategic turn, the “Rapier” may be used to conduct a planetary bombardment attack that affects an area of roughly a half square kilometre, causing 20+5d10 Unit Strength damage to large units and 5d10+5; Pen 5 to individuals and vehicles. The pods must be recovered from the planet’s surface before being reused.

Appropriate Hull Types: All ships
Power: 1
Space: 6
SP: 3

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