Marble Worlds: The Sun Rises
It is going to be a version of the Sun Lands.
It is going to be a version of the Sun Lands.
A quick sketch how Freeya could be realized using Beutelschneider rules. For yandere. In German.
Wondering aloud whether going with two setting for our marbles RPG “Beutelschneider” wouldn’t perhaps work better for demonstration purposes. In German.
Setting up for a forced decision between four possible settings for our marbles RPG “Beutelschneider”. In German.
Adressing one of the elephants in the room when it comes to the search for sample settings for our marbles RPG “Beutelschneider”. German, as usual for these things.
And one more possible setting for our marbles RPG “Beutelschneider” in the last days of 2016. Again in German.
A look at the next of the possible settings for our marbles RPG “Beutelschneider”. In German.
A look at the first of the possible settings for our marbles RPG “Beutelschneider”. In German.
Introduction to a planned series on possible settings to use as an example in an upcoming world building article for our German marbles RPG “Beutelschneider”. In German, as usual for […]