[German] Ventrue Essen – eine Anmerkung zu Vampire: the Masquerade
Why Ventrues’ eating disorder makes them the epitome of Vampire: the Masquerade. In German.
Why Ventrues’ eating disorder makes them the epitome of Vampire: the Masquerade. In German.
The list of the things we didn’t write this February. In German.
A cooperation with Spiele im Kopf on two flying t’skrang questors, their home and their quest for Earthdawn. In German.
Power Teeth The techpriests’ quest for ways to overcome the sin of being flesh knows no anatomical bounds. It encompasses all parts and all functions of the human form, not […]
We pilot our flyer through the archives in this German article.
Freeya, too, posits fey as free, often powerful, often capricious spirit beings, both natural and supernatural. The Elysian Empire claims to be rooted in such natural forces but more than […]
Flyers… The Shortcut Flyer There is a rumour in the Occult Underground about an airplane that can take you anywhere in the world in no time. That rumour is false. […]
A cooperation with Spiele im Kopf on two flying t’skrang questors for Earthdawn. In German.
The newest appliance coming from Blue/Red’s consumer division, the Hovercat is a small ground skimming domestic drone, acting as a mobile mousetrap, patroling buildings and hunting vermin. It can be […]
Flyers… The Air Tick The bag of this buyoant parasite contains 5 marbles: 1 green one and 4 black ones. Bloodsucker: Once the air tick succeeds at a skill challenge […]