

The 5HT is an unusual pistol. This begins with choice of calibre, 9 mm licensed from BLA, and the squeeze trigger, but the immediately obvious main features are its action […]

Bone Marrow Implant

Hail bone marrow implants replace natural red and yellow bone marrow with biogenetic tissue with greatly enhanced haematopoietic capacities. Hail bone marrow costs 1150c. Game Use: +2 to PHYS roll

Jolt Protection

ITB turns the offensive shock technology of their Jolt Glove to defensive purposes with their new Jolt Protection line of reactive shock arrays. The light suit is powered from the […]

Red Water

Red Water is a potent coagulant with dose dependent effects making it equally popular for acute treatment in case of traumatic injuries and long-term administration to control chronic diseases such […]


It’s the cold light of knowledge and purpose flooding your veins and bursting in the dark spaces behind you eyes. Sin. The original. A dose of Sin costs 7c. Game […]

Flexible Breast Implants

Implant-based breast augmentation is a routine procedure. Any number of solid, gel, or liquid-core devices, as well as advanced biogenetic implants have been employed to this effect. Now, TOY revolutionises […]


This is a companion product to the Padquil flakvest, applying the same protective principles and technologies to a heavy overcoat instead of a vest. A flakcoat costs 45c. Game Use: […]

LAD Liquidator

This add-on LAD implant is used to ease the pain and suffering of LAD customers. If the pain from a mortal wound becomes unbearable, it triggers a suicide circuit after […]


Maternity artificial wombs are based on the dedicated growth tanks used in Stormer production. An organism in any stage of development, from freshly impregnated ovum to fully developed fetus, can […]

Gelee Royale

A potent combat agent, Gelee Royale boosts the body’s resilience and regenerative powers. This increase in the natural capacity to withstand physical trauma renders Gelee Royale users practically immune to […]