
Walking Bomb

A larger and more sophisticated version of the basic Walking Grenade, the Walking Bomb retains a sturdier frame and superior motive and guidance systems. The small power supply of only […]

Walking Grenade

A Tek Trex suicide drone, the Walking Grenade is stripped down to the bare necessities of a drive unit, guidance computer, and limited 1000 hour power supply, to carry its […]


A fingertip sized connector, chippyswitches come with multiple ports to split or bundle chippylink transmitted signals. A standard Chronos H-Loop three-port chippyswitch costs 1c. Game Use: –


The Skineater is a tightly controlled biological weapon attacking epithelial tissues, especially the skin. Exposure is first evidenced by itching soon followed by a generalised rash, and the development of […]

Trailblazer Dreadnought

With the recent signing of the 3P contract the need for sustaining a space navy became obsolete for the world of Snow. All vessels of the former fleet were scuttled, […]

Clip-on Flitter

This light flitter system is sized as common hand flitters, but uses combined clip and Mag-hold to be attached to a suit’s belt, freeing up the user’s hands. Like many […]


Ardio brand wrist communicators include preprogrammed 10-channel radio communications with 50 kilometre range, cell-phone function, a single chippy link for tie-ins with other systems, and are powered by a 10000 […]


Oneway offers light disposable jetpacks for urban and emergency use. The packs are designated non-armour and thus are of limited use to security and military personnel in full combat gear, […]

Freight Zeppelin

Using five conventional fusion powered turbines with 10000 hours user life to propel the massive craft Type NX freight zeppelins are used to ferry containers carried internally within their rigid […]

Solar Zeppelin

Not seen on Mort for obvious reasons Sunlighter class solar airships are used on some research stations and resource worlds as cheap air transport. The outer surface of the airship […]