
Psycho Limes

The chocolate limes of pros. Seasoned with the slightest hint of aggression generators, these are going to give an edge to your sweet tooth. 4u a bag. Game Use: –

Tactical Awareness Manager

The Tactical Awareness Manager (TAM) is a software package designed in-house by the Ministry of War to support personnel in high threat combat environments. It is based around a proprietary […]

Data Halfmask

This contour sensitive self adhesive mask covers half the wearer’s face. It includes full sensory interface systems, including visual, acoustic, and haptic output. Three chippy-ports link the mask to computers […]

Supervisor Implant

Normally wont to part with their secrets, Station Analysis have broken their silence for once, to grant a short glimpse at their newest toy, delivered to them straight out of […]


The Datapatch is a transparency regulated eye-patch with dual chippy-port linkup for display of data in variable HUD and full screen modes. A Datapatch costs 1c. Game Use: –

Zero Shield

The Zero Shield uses a high-powered cooling unit to bring its parrying surface down to temperatures so low, metal, ceramics and composites will become brittle, deform or even shatter on […]

One Year of Gear

This publication collects in one volume all the items featured in the SLA Equipment Log! over the course of the last year, and then some. It provides the definite cross […]


HAZE-Suits are light defensive systems for use in melee combat situations. The strongly insulated full body suits include multiple heating elements spread over their outer surface, which become scalding hot […]

Ablative Flesh

Body sheathes of dense biogenetic muscle, Ablative Flesh offers protection from physical trauma and injury without surgical body modification. Ablative Flesh supports its own weight, maintaining full mobility of the […]

Muscle Wrap

External muscle packs that fit over limbs and torso, Muscle Wraps add enhanced biogenetic strength without invasive implantation procedures. The necessary bracing structures and nerve connector are integrated within the […]