Reassembling the Crystal Sphere of Taman. Two pieces in my possession. Willing to buy or to work jointly on completing it.
Classic intro to an adventure or a campaign. Being hired by (or joining with) someone to put an old shattered artefact back together. Just this time it is literally being advertised, so expect even more other “interested parties” to becoming after you even sooner.
This peak is more of a plateau. Again an article that does not really spring from any specific setting, game or just genre. It feels like it best firts one of those mixes of futuristic and fantasy elememts. Not Shadowrun though, like some of the other ads. Definitely not Shadowrun.
Creating an in-game-classified ad every day for 31 days:
More explanation
Better explanation (and logos!) (in German)
Heroines and heroes of the day:
Talasu (in German)