This month’s German RPG bloggers’ carnival brought back memories of an older science fiction campaign setting and its politics, specifically it’s totally splintered party landscape reminiscient of Weimar Germany.
Political parties on the Terran Union Parliament following the last election:
- Union Democratic Party (UDP); 121 seats (25.7%)
- Terran Union Liberal Party (TULiP); 69 seats (14.7%)
- Union National Party (UNP); 36 seats (7.7%)
- Union Conservative Party (UCP); 33 seats (7.0%)
- Union Economics Party (UEP); 32 seats (6.8%)
- Peace Party (Peace); 30 seats (6.4%)
- Union Socialist Party (USP); 28 seats (6.0%)
- Corporate Colonial Program Party (CP); 20 seats (4.3%)
- Communist Party of the Union (CPU); 19 seats (4.0%)
- Metropolitan Party (Metro); 16 seats (3.4%)
- Expansion & Exploration Party (E2P); 13 seats (2.8%)
- Humanity Party (Humanity); 10 seats (2.1%)
- Agricultural Party (AgriPa); 8 seats (1.7%)
- Interstellar Commerce Party (ICP); 8 seats (1.7%)
- Associated Systems Party (ASP); 7 seats (1.5%)
- Mutual Understanding (MU); 7 seats (1.5%)
- Protect (Protect); 5 seats (1.1%)
- A Light Against the Darkness (Alight); 4 seats (0.9%)
- Independent Systems Platform (ISP); 4 seats (0.9%)
This would allow to drop the Peace Party or the UEP from the coalition government and still leave UDP/TULiP and the third party with the barest of majorities at two to four seats, although such a government could probably expect to be able to count on the votes of various single issue parties on different topics.