10 BTLs for Shadowrun VI
>>>[I am fed up with it. Why do you always come to me with your dead kids? Perhaps I should start spouting some stupid “no children” rule. But who knows […]
>>>[I am fed up with it. Why do you always come to me with your dead kids? Perhaps I should start spouting some stupid “no children” rule. But who knows […]
>>>[I am fed up with it. Sometimes it just makes no difference. No matter how well you did your job, it still makes no difference. If you had spent all […]
>>>[I am fed up with it. All talk and posturing. Noone wants this investigation to get somewhere, noone wants any real investigating being done. But everything has to appear like […]
Upper body of a gorilla and lower body of a tarantula Upper body of a halfling and lower body of a pony Upper body of a human and lower body […]
>>>[I am fed up with it. She’s back. Like a cat leaving dead mice as gifts on your doorstep. Only we’re not talking animals. Or perhaps we are. – And […]
>>>[I am fed up with it. Honestly. “Someone with my unique combination of talents”! Sure. At least it wasn’t “a chance to combine work and play” or something equally gruesome. […]
10 good luck charms of Zeon soldiers fighting in the One Year War, in German.
Inquisitor: The Reckoning – either a straight-up game of direct action and violence with church men versus monsters or a game about people with strange powers in the clutches of […]
Snow Dawn Carnivorous Piglet Sunset Red Killer Anaemic Karmic Roses (+50c) Pornic Pink Oxygenated Blood Pleura Pink Combat Blush Rosy Afterglow … in these and over 500 other shades of […]
We did German RPG puns. Ten of ’em. We had to.