Surgical Gloves blut_und_glas September 15, 2008 5 Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.
Drudenfusz 16 Jahren ago Permalink Sollten die Dinger nicht irgendein Spielvorteil (Game Use) bringen? Antworten
blut_und_glas 16 Jahren ago Permalink I was thinking about something like that, but then I thought that having all the items available in the first place would be enough of an advantage (after all the maintenance kit or the scout helmet(!) also give no skill modifiers). Antworten
Sollten die Dinger nicht irgendein Spielvorteil (Game Use) bringen?
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Suggested game use; +1 to medical rolls
I was thinking about something like that, but then I thought that having all the items available in the first place would be enough of an advantage (after all the maintenance kit or the scout helmet(!) also give no skill modifiers).